Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday 8/30

  • We took some notes on the definition of ritual
  • We read the Osiris myth
HW: Go to the "Primitive Ritual" page on the site -- click on "mythology" under the "books by Jane Ellen Harrison" When you are at the googlebooks page follow the table of content to the Poseidon Chapter -- scroll down to page 26 read the two paragraphs for this information: what is the puzzle about Poseidon? It is resolved by identigying him with what god?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday 8/27

  • Today was "Power of Myth" Friday -- we watched segments of the Joseph Campbell interview and answered study questions.

Thursday 8/26

  • Today we discussed the "Interpretation Pyramid" and how it structures our method.
  • We also did a parts of speech diagnostic exercise.
HW" please find some time to read the Interpretation Pyramid on the "Method" page of the website

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday 8/25

  • Discussion of "2 Anthropological Paradigms"
  • Sharing of journals

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday 8/24

  • Students shared their reflections from the "armchair anthropology" journal entry
HW: Journal entry -- "Rite of passage" -- Reflect on a time when your life seemed to change -- sort of “all at once” -- as if you were a new kind of person in a new kind of place. It might be something big and traumatic or it might be something smaller and simpler. Try to identify things that “marked” this change -- objects, behaviors, language….etc.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday 8/23

  • Students presented and shared their pictures on Greek mythology & we hung them up on the walls.
HW: "Armchair Anthropology" journal entry -- write in your composition book. Use your imagination and your sense of what it is to be human. What do you think was the first feeling or thought or action, experienced by pre-human primates, that could be called "human" -- explain & develop your answer. It is an exercise in testing what you think is the real dividing line between the animal world & the human world.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday 8/20

  • We took the summer reading check test today
HW: Be ready to present your myth picture on Monday. Make sure you have a composition book by Wed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday 8/19

  • The summer reading test will be a closed-notes test: I can find nothing on the website or the study guide that says otherwise.
  • Today we continued with the "Why This Class is Different" slide show.
  • Students discussed responses to the reflection questions from yesterday with their peers -- looking for consensus.

Wednesday 8/18

Great first day! Some reminders:
  • Summer reading test friday (myth Qs only from the "Zeus & His Family" section)
  • Present project on Monday
  • Read the syllabus on the website

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Visit

Welcome Freshmen. I am so happy you found the blog! On it you will find a summary of the days activities as well as your homework assignments. I am looking forward to an excellent year with you.